
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

When I think of the total posts that I have accumlated, it still seems I am an infant in terms of putting to words the thoughts that rattle around in my head. Finding time to think and put anything into phrases seems to be at a premium these days.
Anyway, while the kids are playing with their new eye toy gismo, and the tube is featuring the media's impression of my political party, I hope I can spare a few minutes!

Oh How I wish I could look outside my window and see the waves slapping the beach. I miss the shore! It was a nice break to just past the time away watching them with my spouse. However I could have lived without the Candian lass who needed to have a shoulder, namely my husbands, to lean on as she learned she was soon to be parting company with their employer. Also didn't need to get him concerned and pushing the panic button about his job security. Pretty much tranformed the rest of the week into a watch and worry situation. I hope that he is able to accomplish this week what he set out to do in terms of his certification goals.

Birthday mania almost over, disappointed however in the lack of response for Temp's party, at least there is a couple! Summer is a difficult time to arrange for a sleepover, too many people on vacation.

I need to start setting some goals for myself for this school year, they seem to come and go so fast. I would like to put into practice more writing skills. I would like to do some planning of some mini trips in the future. I would like to really look at getting closer to the ocean for a permanent residence. I would like to take a more active part in planning the future of my heart health, do some research for some hospitals, and devices for the valve replacement. I would like to look at Sage's next educational step, check out what some of the small Christian or otherwise schools would be available to him. Sounds like I am filling up the plate, but time that I gave myself some food for thought!

Well the kids are nearing the "stop now before we have a wrestling match started" and should get into the sack,so that they are ready for the park tomorrow, which means hugs and kisses and my full attention! Until the next time!

Monday, July 05, 2004

Today was a good day with the kids. They arrived home safely which I am very thankful for, however Temp shared many concerns about her Dad's health. She expressed fear and concern over his shaky, profuse sweating and said that he told them that he was not able to sleep all week, his medicine was not working and that he was sick. He looked awful when he came for the kids, he couldn't stop shaking to even drive, his Mom had to come and drive them. The kids also mentioned that he was not able to sleep all weekend and kept them awake by playing loud music and working on the computer all night. This sounds scary to me, and his parents are fully aware since he is living there.

Bob is soon to be on a plane home and I am excited about that, we will both enjoy our time together next week, and I am so looking forward to it.

I have begun a new thing in my life that has been very rewarding so far, and that is a new friendship. She is a grandmother like myself that is raising her two grandchildren. She is very honest and open and
funny! We share a lot of the same opinions and feelings on things and are able to just laugh about our experiences. This has been a precious gift to me!She also has an amazing optimistic spirit that is so soothing. It is hard to really share with others the situation that befalls a person who suddenly finds themselves as a caregiver to little ones again, and with Bob traveling it is many times when that I feel like I am on an island. I feel like she has handed me a paddle and said, I will help you row the boat, if you also help me! I am looking forward to learning more about her in the future. We are planning to do lots of nice things with our family, so the future will bring some good times together I am sure. She is a little younger than me, Bob's age so we have that in common too.

All in all I am feeling very lucky lately, I am due to have some tests that I have this time every year, so with all good hope they will come out fine. Looking forward to the rest of this week, it is Sage's birthday and Bob's coming home!

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Well the last blog that I thought I did, I just realized didn't show, hopefully this one works today. That's what I get for being technically challenged. I haven't heard from Bob for a while, I thought I would hear today, so that is a little scary. Maybe he is just too busy.
I was really nervous when their Dad came to pick up the kids, he was shaking so bad that he had to bring his Mom to drive! Why do they come get the kids if he can't function??? I have been so nervous all weekend, I can't wait to go get them tomorrow, yet since it is their Holiday I have to wait until 8!
Time to go get Clarence out of the kennel. I should have gotten him sooner but I couldn't do the carrying down the stairs thing. I have to take him back on Friday, so he will be one disturbed little puppy.
This day was busy in spite of what I wanted to do, I will have to save the painting the end table for another weekend, at least I got some things put away that I had been putting off. Well I am ready to end the night and tomorrow is a big laundry day, as well as hoping I hear from dear old hubby! Nite!

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